Walking between worlds is… difficult and confusing. I exist in a limnal space. I walk with the youth and opportunity of The Maiden, and the Wisdom and responsibility of The Crone. I always imagined what my life would look like, enthusiastically looking forward to my silver/ grey hair, carefree nature, and quite knowing. I still need to work on the perfect witches cackle, but I think that part comes with time ;)

When the time came for me to cross the threshold of The Sacred Crone, I was so polarized by fear that I cried nearly all the time (although… looking back I’m not sure how many of those tears I cried quietly on the inside…) I could feel myself standing on the brink, looking over the edge and seeing the plunge below me. I knew that I could no longer put it off, I knew, could feel it in my bones and my very soul that becoming a Crone was what I was destined for in this life insert cheesy Twilight quote about being born to be a vampire, and yet fear enveloped me. Who would I be? What would I become? Would I lose the parts of myself that I had worked so hard to become?

It was a few months later that one of my dearest friends, Ivy said to me “Becoming is always scary, I think”. Perhaps that is when we should jump, when we’re scared